Animated captions

These animated caption styles are ideal if you want to caption your short-form videos.

The styles can easily be copied into your Remotion project and work with any captions that have been converted into the @remotion/captions format.

There are no other dependencies and the styles can be used individually and be easily customized.

3 styles are included:

  • - Colored words: Paginated captions with color highlights for the active word.
  • - Scaling words: Same as colored words, but each active word scales up to add more pop.
  • - Animated background: A rounded rectangle animates behind the words and jumps from word to word using a spring animation.

All styles will automatically shrink the text if it does not fit inside the desired width.

Any Google Font can be used, but not all display stroked text properly.

Last updated February 11, 2025
GitHub Repository
NPM Package
Copy and pasteable
Company license perk
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